Ryan and I are so glad we bought this DVD... One of the best in our collection.
As Ryan and I watched the movie, PRAYERS FOR BOBBY, tears streamed down our faces. I think this could possibly be the only movie I've ever watched where I've gone through an entire box of tissues from crying for more than an hour. I can remember countless times growing up as a child where I had thoughts of suicide; how I wanted to just escape from all the hatred and shame that I would have done so by taking my own life. The only reason I didn't do it was because I knew it would hurt people. Just watching Bobby, knowing where he walked and where he danced, I have been there; to be so afraid of whom I was due to people’s thoughts and ideas - either from their church, family or friends.
I came out to my parents at the age of 24, and though it was difficult at first and took a little while for their acceptance, their love never wavered. I remember telling my sister, and she not even flinching….. Thus making her my best friend and the best sister I could ask for. ** I love you Vicky**
I consider my self very fortunate; I have been with my boyfriend, Ryan for 5-1/2 years and my parents continue to support me in whatever decisions I make in life. They treat Ryan as one of the family, as well as his parents treat me as a second son. I feel that the movie really let people know what ignorance can do. I feel that if more people were accepting of their gay children this world would be a much happier place. Being accepting and loving your child does not mean you have to understand, but just love them for who they are. It’s not a choice - anyone who lives in this world as a gay individual will tell you.
Why would anyone choose to be this way when we face hatred, disgust, and prejudice every day? I didn't wake up one morning, and say, “Oh, I think I’ll be gay today”, just to be hurt in the process.
My heart went out to Bobby, because I can relate to how he was feeling. I lost a very dear friend much the same way because his family did not accept nor love him because he was gay. If we as a society can change, then maybe one day we will be treated equally. We can only hope that the ones who hate us so much can change their views on how they believe.
I don't know what waits for us when we die. I don't know how God will judge us. And I don't know what God will judge about us. But I do know that I was born with the ability to love. I do know that I didn't choose who to love. And I do know that love, no matter what its circumstances are, is NOT a crime.
I seriously want to give Sigourney Weaver and Ryan Kelley both a big hug; they did such a fantastic job in this movie, it truly warms my heart to know that people care, and fight for us.
Thanks to those who had a part in bringing this movie to life. And thank you Mary Griffith for all you've done, I have no doubt that wherever Bobby is right now, he is proud of everything you've accomplished and everything you fight for. Please see the trailer below: