Thursday, September 15, 2011
OMG Hilarious! - Sketch
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comic strip,
Cyanide and Happiness,
OMG Hilarious
Quoted - Clint Eastwood & Leonardo DiCaprio on Gay Marriage
Leonardo DiCaprio and Clint Eastwood's conversation with GQ Magazine on their upcoming movie about J. Edgar Hoover turned onto the subject of Gay Marriage...
Clint Eastwood: “These people who are making a big deal about gay marriage? I don’t give a fuck about who wants to get married to anybody else! Why not?! We’re making a big deal out of things we shouldn’t be making a deal out of … Just give everybody the chance to have the life they want.”
Leonardo DiCaprio: “That’s the most infuriating thing – watching people focus on these things. Meanwhile, there’s the onset of global warming and these incredibly scary and menacing things with the future of our economy.”
What a Hot Mess: Planking Gone Wrong
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What a Hot Mess
Back In The Day - Brad Pitt vs. Marky Mark
Filed Under:
Back In The Day,
Brad Pitt,
Mark Wahlberg,
Marky Mark
Isn't This The Truth? 90% of Facebook Statuses Can Be Broken Down Into These Categories
I found this chart truly hilarious. Not only because it's the truth, but how many of you fall into one or all of these categories?
Filed Under:
I Love Charts,
Social Networking
In His Own Words: Throwing a Ball Was The Most Nerve-Wracking Moment of George Bush's Presidency
Yes, supposedly the most-nervous moment in all of President George W. Bush's life was throwing the first pitch during the 2001 World Series. I know, you think I'm making it up, because you Republicans believe Georgie was God, correction, is God. In either case, here the former President stating his case on the documentary, Beyond 9/11: Portraits of Resilience. which aired last weekend on HBO and CNN."The adrenaline was coursing through my veins, and the ball felt like a shotput. And Todd Greene, the catcher, looked really small. Sixty feet and six inches seemed like a half-mile. And anyway, I took a deep breath and threw it, and thankfully it went over the plate. The response was overwhelming. It was the most nervous I had ever been. It was the most nervous moment of my entire presidency, it turns out."
And you thought the following issues would have been George Bush's Most Nerve-wracking moment...
- Challenged his father—at the time the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations—to a fight, mano a mano.
- Was arrested for drunk driving.
- Quit drinking.
- Achieved narrowest presidential victory in history after a month-long recount battle.
- Nearly choked to death on a pretzel.
- Received warning in August 2001 that Osama bin Laden was "determined to strike" in the United States.
- Flew around the nation in Air Force One on September 11, 2001, looking for a safe place to land as nation beneath him shuddered under worst attack in modern memory.
- Ordered the invasion of Afghanistan.
- Ordered the invasion of Iraq.
- Survived grenade attack in Tblisi, Georgia.
- Presided over federal response to the destruction of the nation's 31st largest city by a storm.
- Initiated and authorized most wide-ranging extrajudicial surveillance of American citizens in a generation.
- Authorized the torture of detainees in U.S. custody.
Filed Under:
Political Humor,
President George W. Bush,
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Hope you enjoy my daily posts, and hope to hear from you soon.
- Blade 7184 aka Peter