Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Even Know
Filed Under:
Cool Stuff,
Fun Facts,
8 Animal Misconceptions Rundown
My favorite information guru is back! And I'm happy to say I was right on some of these myths. I remember hearing some of these crazy tales when I was a kid in the Boy Scouts, especially the one about the Daddy Long Legs in the showers. Little did I know they were talking about a different type of Daddy with long legs. LOL.
Last month, CGPGrey gave us a rundown of the10 most common misconceptions we often fall for. Before that he explained the primary election process, 2012 & The End of The World, Death to Pennies, Daylight Saving Time, and Coffee: The Greatest Addiction Ever. This time around he educates us on the 8 Animal Misconceptions we all heard as kids. Check it out, it's a definite "Must Watch".
Last month, CGPGrey gave us a rundown of the10 most common misconceptions we often fall for. Before that he explained the primary election process, 2012 & The End of The World, Death to Pennies, Daylight Saving Time, and Coffee: The Greatest Addiction Ever. This time around he educates us on the 8 Animal Misconceptions we all heard as kids. Check it out, it's a definite "Must Watch".
Filed Under:
Animal Kingdom,
Cool Stuff,
Cyanide and Happiness: Americans Abroad
Filed Under:
comic strip,
Cyanide and Happiness,
The Boyfriend Spray
But wait... before you purchase this amazing body spray, make sure you read up on all the side effects concerning the spray. LOL.
Filed Under:
Body Spray,
Ranch Dressing,
Video Games,
A Real Princess Will Show You How It's Done...
While Adele was winning her 6 Grammys in the U.S., Meryl Streep was accepting her BAFTA award for Best Actress for The Iron Lady over in Britain. But that wasn't the news of the evening - it was the loss of her shoe on her way to accept the award that caused all the buzz. Luckily for her she had Prince Charming, Colin Firth, there to help slip the shoe back on. Check out these cute pics.
Filed Under:
Award Shows,
Best Actress,
British Academy Television Awards,
Colin Firth,
Meryl Streep,
The Iron Lady
What a Hot Mess: Where's Dodo's Ear, Petco?
I used to wonder if it was a good idea to take our pets to Petco or PetsMart to have groomed. But it wasn't until Ryan came home with our chihuahua, Lady, shaking and trembling that I realized it wasn't. I lost all respect for these establishments. More so Petco, because "They dropped our dog on the floor and were about to kick her like a football!", Ryan screamed. Boy, was I pissed, but this story has nothing to do with our pets. It's about the hot mess you're about to read.
Last summer, Grandma Gladys took her doggie, Dodo, to the local Petco to have her groomed. What she got back was a bloody dog with only part of an ear left. Yep, Dodo was missing a piece of her ear. What a hot fucking mess!
But that isn't the crazy part of this whole story, it's what the vet told her when she took Dodo to the vet. "[She] was dried, bloody, was dry blood, everything," Gladys told the Hawaii News . "I noticed that at home, so when I took her to the vet, the doctor had told me it looked like they tried to glue it back."
GLUE IT BACK!?!?! Unbelievable! Are you fucking kidding me? I would have gone back and got a piece of all their ears. Jesus! Who hires these people anyway? And this isn't the only dog this has happened to. One dog had part of its tail cut off. You should read the article here it's downright ridiculous.

But that isn't the crazy part of this whole story, it's what the vet told her when she took Dodo to the vet. "[She] was dried, bloody, was dry blood, everything," Gladys told the Hawaii News . "I noticed that at home, so when I took her to the vet, the doctor had told me it looked like they tried to glue it back."
GLUE IT BACK!?!?! Unbelievable! Are you fucking kidding me? I would have gone back and got a piece of all their ears. Jesus! Who hires these people anyway? And this isn't the only dog this has happened to. One dog had part of its tail cut off. You should read the article here it's downright ridiculous.
Isn't This The Truth? The Thing People Say After Watching A Movie...
Filed Under:
I Love Charts,
Isn't This The Truth?,
True Story
Gyroscopic Self-Leveling Pool Table on the Cruise Ship "Radiance of the Seas"
I'm not sure how many of you have ever played Pool, but it is one of my favorite past-time sports. Yes, I call it a sport because it's recognized as part of the family of cue sports and games. Yes, you can click on that link to read up on it's history. I'm here to write about this really cool pool table on the "Radiance of the Seas" cruise ship.
This has got to be one of the most fascinating things I've seen. I, personally have never seen anything like it, but the table is self-leveling. Meaning, it is Gyrocscopic - the table will remain level regardless of how rough the seas get. It is mechanically engineered to move with the ship.
This has got to be one of the most fascinating things I've seen. I, personally have never seen anything like it, but the table is self-leveling. Meaning, it is Gyrocscopic - the table will remain level regardless of how rough the seas get. It is mechanically engineered to move with the ship.
YouTube: As the ship moves the pool table adjusts so that the billiard balls don't move at all, even in rough weather. If you look closely you can see that the balls remain still as the table moves, enabling you to play in almost any conditions..
Filed Under:
Cruise Ships,
Pool Table,
Radiance of the Seas,
WTF Has Obama Done? - Issue No. 015 - Law & Justice
What is Criminal Justice? Courtesy of wiseGeek, it is the application or study of laws regarding criminal behavior. Those who study criminal justice include the police, those working in a judiciary capacity, and lawyers who either defend or prosecute those accused of a crime. Others work to advocate for changes in the current system of criminal justice, such as those who render decisions regarding current laws, like members of Supreme Courts. It is important that the criminal justice system includes the word justice, since laws applied to those accused of a crime should be fair.
So what has President Barack Obama done concerning Law & Justice? Well, he appointed the first Latina to the Supreme Court, the first black Attorney General, outlined a new federal drug control policy, established crimes programs for the New Orleans area, and has managed to watch the U.S. population decline for the first time in decades.
Today, we will look at one broad policy, one funding achievement, and a targeted action in reference to Law & Justice.
The new drug control strategy to be released Tuesday boosts community-based anti-drug programs, encourages health care providers to screen for drug problems before addiction sets in and expands treatment beyond specialty centers to mainstream health care facilities.
"It changes the whole discussion about ending the war on drugs and recognizes that we have a responsibility to reduce our own drug use in this country," Gil Kerlikowske, the White House drug czar, said in an interview.
The plan – the first drug plan unveiled by the Obama White House – calls for reducing the rate of youth drug use by 15 percent over the next five years and for similar reductions in chronic drug use, drug abuse deaths and drugged driving. [Reference]
The U.S. Justice Department uses the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant program to send crime-fighting money to cities, towns and counties. The grants can be used for law enforcement functions such as prosecutions, court programs, drug treatment and education, technology upgrades, planning programs, and crime victim and witness programs. Local programs are often adopted nationally, such as drug courts, methamphetamine lab reduction, antigang strategies, re-entry programs and information sharing protocols, according to the National Criminal Justice Association, a national association that represents local enforcement agencies. [Reference]
Sotomayor was easily confirmed in a 68-31 vote. Nine Republicans joined a unanimous Democratic caucus in supporting her nomination.
Sotomayor, a 55-year-old federal appeals court judge, is the 111th person to sit on the high court and the third female justice.
She was sworn in at the Supreme Court by Chief Justice John Roberts on Saturday, August 8, 2009 [Reference-1, Reference-2]

Today, we will look at one broad policy, one funding achievement, and a targeted action in reference to Law & Justice.
Outlined new federal drug control policy.
The White House is putting more resources into drug prevention and treatment, part of President Barack Obama's pledge to treat illegal drug use more as a public health issue than a criminal justice problem.The new drug control strategy to be released Tuesday boosts community-based anti-drug programs, encourages health care providers to screen for drug problems before addiction sets in and expands treatment beyond specialty centers to mainstream health care facilities.
"It changes the whole discussion about ending the war on drugs and recognizes that we have a responsibility to reduce our own drug use in this country," Gil Kerlikowske, the White House drug czar, said in an interview.
The plan – the first drug plan unveiled by the Obama White House – calls for reducing the rate of youth drug use by 15 percent over the next five years and for similar reductions in chronic drug use, drug abuse deaths and drugged driving. [Reference]
Restored funding for the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne/JAG) program.
"The (Bush) administration has consistently proposed to cut or eliminate funding for the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne/JAG) program, which funds anti-drug and anti-gang task forces across the country. …Since 2000, this program has been cut more than 83 percent. ... As president, Obama will restore funding."The U.S. Justice Department uses the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant program to send crime-fighting money to cities, towns and counties. The grants can be used for law enforcement functions such as prosecutions, court programs, drug treatment and education, technology upgrades, planning programs, and crime victim and witness programs. Local programs are often adopted nationally, such as drug courts, methamphetamine lab reduction, antigang strategies, re-entry programs and information sharing protocols, according to the National Criminal Justice Association, a national association that represents local enforcement agencies. [Reference]
Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court.
Judge Sonia Sotomayor, who rose from the housing projects of the Bronx to the top of the legal profession, made history Thursday when the Senate confirmed her to become the nation's first Hispanic Supreme Court justice.Sotomayor was easily confirmed in a 68-31 vote. Nine Republicans joined a unanimous Democratic caucus in supporting her nomination.
Sotomayor, a 55-year-old federal appeals court judge, is the 111th person to sit on the high court and the third female justice.
She was sworn in at the Supreme Court by Chief Justice John Roberts on Saturday, August 8, 2009 [Reference-1, Reference-2]
I will come back to this topic in another issue, until then, please feel free to read any of my previous issues by clicking here.
Make sure to read the next issue
Issue No. 016 - Housing
as I continue with
Posted daily or weekly on BLADE 7184 until Election Day!
Make sure to read the next issue
Issue No. 016 - Housing
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Posted daily or weekly on BLADE 7184 until Election Day!
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- Blade 7184 aka Peter