Thursday, February 16, 2012
Cyanide and Happiness: Knees
Filed Under:
comic strip,
Cyanide and Happiness,
What a Hot Mess: Hug-E-Gram
Instead of sending flowers, send him or her a Hug-E-Gram.
That's it! I'm quitting my job and inventing crazy crap like this. I can't believe that this infomercial actually exists, better yet, that someone is getting rich off this product.
I seriously cannot see myself sending Ryan a cloth-wrapped swimming pool noodle with Mickey Mouse hands, and the product's name printed on it. Are you kidding me? He would slap the shit out of me. LOL. On the other hand, he'd probably think it was cute.
Aye, Aye, Aye, this is worst than the Snuggie and Pet Snuggie.
That's it! I'm quitting my job and inventing crazy crap like this. I can't believe that this infomercial actually exists, better yet, that someone is getting rich off this product.
I seriously cannot see myself sending Ryan a cloth-wrapped swimming pool noodle with Mickey Mouse hands, and the product's name printed on it. Are you kidding me? He would slap the shit out of me. LOL. On the other hand, he'd probably think it was cute.
Aye, Aye, Aye, this is worst than the Snuggie and Pet Snuggie.
Filed Under:
Disturbing Videos,
Quoted: Mary Griffith on Religion and Her Son
“If no one had ever challenged religious authority, there’d be no democracy, no public schools, women’s rights, improvements to science and medicine, evolution of slavery and no laws against child abuse or spousal abuse. I was afraid to challenge my religious beliefs because that was the basis of creation—mine anyway. I was afraid to question the Bible or anything in it, and when I did, that’s when I became involved with PFLAG and realized that my son was a perfectly normal human being and there was nothing for God to heal because Bobby was perfect just the way he was.” - Mary Griffith on religion and her son.
For those who have no idea who Mary Griffith is, you need to watch Prayers for Bobby. I wrote a blog on it several years ago. It's about a very religious mother, played by Sigourney Weaver, who's life drastically turns around after her gay son commits suicide. It can literally change your thoughts on gay people and God, for the better.
Isn't This The Truth? What The Customer Wanted
Filed Under:
Customer Service,
Isn't This The Truth?,
True Story,
Laugh of the Day: Wanda Sykes - Waxed [NSFW]
OMG, I love this woman! She will have you ROFL before you can count to three, okay maybe twenty, lol. Seriously though, if your day isn't going so well, Wanda Sykes will definitely make your day. For those who have no idea who she is, she's a stand-up comedian/American writer who used to have a sitcom on Fox titled "Wanda at Large" - it was absolutely hilarious. Unfortunately, it only ran for two seasons. I have labeled it NSFW, because of the foul language, but otherwise it's a definite must watch.
Filed Under:
Foul Language,
Laugh of the Day,
Not Safe For Work,
Stand-up Comedians,
Wanda Sykes,
OMG Hilarious! - ROFL Smartphone Texts
Kiss of the Week - Issue No. 012
Filed Under:
Black and White Photos,
Gay Couples,
Gay Kissing,
Kiss of the Week,
A Couple of Losers
Urine Color Chart
Check out this handy little chart courtesy of the Boy Scouts of America. Regardless if it's not intended for clinical use, if you're urine looks like the color at the bottom, you should definitely seek medical aid. The chart is accurate to say the least.
Filed Under:
Boy Scouts,
Boy Scouts of America,
Clinical Charts,
Health and Fitness,
I Love Charts,
Medical Charts,
I Quote That - Don't
Filed Under:
I Quote That,
Must Watch: Set Fire To The Rain
Some of us get married thinking it will change who we are. Some of us date girls or boys in high school to make our parents proud, or we don't want them finding out we're gay. Gay people often find themselves in this situation, and the fact that we're so afraid to come out - we hurt a lot of people in the process. Straight and Gays alike should see this video, especially if you like music and dance.
I know that everyone is tired of hearing about Adele and Whitney, but this is not about them.
Ryan shared this video with me this morning and asked if I had ever posted it on one of my blogs. I hadn't, so I'm doing it now. In the music video you have an Adele impersonator, 3 dancers, and a story of a man struggling with his sexuality, while a girl who thought she had everything, is now facing a struggle of her own. It truly sets fire to the rain.
I know that everyone is tired of hearing about Adele and Whitney, but this is not about them.
Ryan shared this video with me this morning and asked if I had ever posted it on one of my blogs. I hadn't, so I'm doing it now. In the music video you have an Adele impersonator, 3 dancers, and a story of a man struggling with his sexuality, while a girl who thought she had everything, is now facing a struggle of her own. It truly sets fire to the rain.
YouTube: The music video portrays a man struggling with his sexuality, while the girl in love with him fights to hold on as everything she thought she knew comes crashing down before her. The song speaks of a foolish love that's so hard to let go. This theme is not uncommon, most of us have been subjected to this type of unrequited love in some way, shape, or form. Whether gay or straight, single or taken, if you have not experienced this kind of pain, consider yourself one of the lucky ones.
Filed Under:
Closeted Gays,
Gay Characters,
Gay Videos,
music videos,
Must Watch,
Movie Poster Clichés
So how many movie posters or DVD covers have you seen or rented where, let's say, you have a pic of an actor taken from the back often with weaponry? You'd be surprised - I bet you've seen 10 or more. How about where the actors are standing back to back? I bet you've seen 15 or more. Check out these movie poster clichés, they're pretty darn cool - I would have never realized.
1. Big heads in the sky over tiny people on a beach
2. From the back (often with weaponry)
3. Big text on faces
4. Back to back
5. In bed
6. Through the legs
7. Big eye
8. Blue
9. Running for their lives
10. Cute Red Dress
1. Big heads in the sky over tiny people on a beach
2. From the back (often with weaponry)
3. Big text on faces
4. Back to back
5. In bed
6. Through the legs
7. Big eye
8. Blue
9. Running for their lives
10. Cute Red Dress
Filed Under:
Cool Stuff,
Movie Posters,
It's Purely Animal - Issue No. 47 - Puppy Conan
During the Super Bowl, Animal Planet airs their popular television show, The Puppy Bowl. Well it seems Conan O'Brien has his all-time favorite too, Puppy Conan.
In the following video, Conan introduces us to Puppy Conan, Puppy Andy, Puppy La Bamba, and his most special guest, Puppy Lady Gaga.
In the following video, Conan introduces us to Puppy Conan, Puppy Andy, Puppy La Bamba, and his most special guest, Puppy Lady Gaga.
Filed Under:
Conan O'Brien,
It's Purely Animal,
Late Night,
Late Night Talk Shows,
Talk Shows,
WTF Has Obama Done? - Issue No. 016 - Housing

After U.S. house sales prices peaked in mid-2006 and began their steep decline forthwith, refinancing became more difficult. As adjustable-rate mortgages began to reset at higher interest rates (causing higher monthly payments), mortgage delinquencies soared. Securities backed with mortgages, including subprime mortgages, widely held by financial firms, lost most of their value. Global investors also drastically reduced purchases of mortgage-backed debt and other securities as part of a decline in the capacity and willingness of the private financial system to support lending. Concerns about the soundness of U.S. credit and financial markets led to tightening credit around the world and slowing economic growth in the U.S. and Europe. [Reference]
To think that all this happened between 2004-2007, two years before Obama took office tells you who is to blame for all of this mess. And then Republicans expected Obama to come in and clean it all up in three or four years, are you f-ing kidding me. Today, the Repubs are trying to cast blame on the one man who has turned this country around by simply erasing what the previous President did. How quickly they forget the lies, the betrayal, and the burden George W. Bush put on his fellow Americans.
Today, we will be covering one broad policy, one funding initiative, and a targeted action in the President's housing achievements. I will add more in a later issue, as the President has accomplished so much in such a short period.
Unveiled $275 billion dollar housing plan.
“All of us will pay an even steeper price if we allow this crisis to deepen -– a crisis which is unraveling homeownership, the middle class, and the American Dream itself,” Obama said at Dobson High School in Mesa, Ariz. “If we act boldly and swiftly to arrest this downward spiral, every American will benefit.”President Obama announced a plan in 2009 to help as many as nine million American homeowners refinance their mortgages or avert foreclosure, saying that it would shore up housing prices, stabilize neighborhoods and slow a downward spiral that was “unraveling homeownership, the middle class and the American Dream itself.”
The plan has three components. The first would help homeowners who are still current on their payments, but who are paying high interest rates and cannot refinance because they do not have enough equity in their homes, a problem afflicting growing numbers of people as housing values tumble.
A second component would assist about four million people who are at risk of losing their homes. It would provide incentives to lenders who alter the terms of loans to make them affordable for the troubled borrowers. A third component would try to increase the credit available for mortgages in general by giving $200 billion of additional financial backing to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. [Reference-1, Reference-2]
Provided $2 billion for Neighborhood Stabilization Program.
In 2008, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) implemented the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP). The program has provided almost $7 billion of funding in three phases for neighborhood stabilization. NSP grant funds acquire, redevelop, and finance foreclosed and vacant properties.1 NSP compliance requirements are very similar to the Community Development Block Grant program.2 Several additional restrictions apply, however, to focus the program more narrowly on stabilizing areas that are seriously affected by foreclosures and property vacancy. [Reference-1, Reference-2]
Helping Families Save Their Homes Act, helping millions avoid foreclosure.
"Let me talk a little bit about the housing bill. The Helping Families Save Their Homes Act advances the goals of our existing housing plan by providing assistance to responsible homeowners and preventing avoidable foreclosures. Last summer, Congress passed the HOPE for Homeowners Act to help families who found themselves "underwater" as a result of declining home values -- families who owed more on their mortgages than their homes are worth. But too many administrative and technical hurdles made it very difficult to navigate, and most borrowers didn't even bother to try.
This bill removes those hurdles, getting folks into sustainable and affordable mortgages, and more importantly, keeping them in their homes. And it expands the reach of our existing housing plan for homeowners with FHA or USDA rural housing loans, providing them with new opportunities to modify or refinance their mortgages to more affordable levels." - President Barack Obama right before signing the act into law.
I promise to come back to this topic in another issue, until then, please feel free to read my previous issues by clicking here.
Make sure to read the next issue
Issue No. 017 - National Disasters & Emergencies
WTF Has Obama Done is an ongoing series posted daily or weekly on BLADE 7184 until Election Day, 2012!
Make sure to read the next issue
Issue No. 017 - National Disasters & Emergencies
WTF Has Obama Done is an ongoing series posted daily or weekly on BLADE 7184 until Election Day, 2012!
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- Blade 7184 aka Peter