photo courtesy of David Kozlowski |
Ryan and I took a mini-winter break to the flatlands of South Texas near Corpus Christi, and visited my family over the Martin Luther King holiday weekend. It was a much needed break, and so well worth it. We arrived at my Mom and Dad's around 4 in the afternoon on Saturday and stayed until Monday afternoon. We didn't get home until 5:45 PM, yesterday.
On Saturday, my mother was making Tamales when we walked in. For those who have made them before, you know it takes a long, long time to prepare and cook them. She worked on these for two whole days, in between spending time with us children, and our niece.
After posting a picture on Facebook of my mom and a huge pile of tamales she had just finished cooking, everyone started commenting that they were coming over. So we did end up visiting with old friends and family from our younger years. It was nice.
Other than the disappointing loss by the Texans on Sunday afternoon, everything else was great. My sister dressed up our niece in a Texans Cheerleader outfit Ryan and I had bought her for the game, and she looked absolutely stunning. LOL. She wore it for her uncles despite the backlash she would receive from her Dallas and Eagle fans. My sister and brother-in-law Luther are Dallas Cowboys and Philadelphia Eagles fans respectfully.
We didn't get to see Luther until late Sunday, as he was deep sea fishing with his Dad. They caught 70 lbs of fish!
On Monday (yesterday), Mom also made a huge breakfast for us. She made fresh homemade tortillas, refried beans, papas fritas (fried potatoes), bacon, sausage, and Eggs. Luther, Vicky and Lily also came over to have breakfast with us before we left. Overall we had a great time and appreciated all that my mom did for us. I will definitely have to do something for her, or send her something for all the hard work she went through. Regardless if she says it makes her happy doing it for her babies.
I'm glad to be back and will blog as time permits. Unfortunately, I don't have any pre-scheduled blogs that will post automatically. So please stay tuned...
Peter aka Blade 7184
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Hope you enjoy my daily posts, and hope to hear from you soon.
- Blade 7184 aka Peter