So how do you get your body to look like the characters/actors in Spartacus? How about by advertising on Facebook that you can have your body look like a gladiator in no time? That's exactly where this workout is derived from. A forum titled
Spartacus workout.
I have included the workout in my blog, so get to it, what are you waiting for?
This cutting-edge circuit routine will strip away fat and define every muscle in your body.
To create the Spartacus workout, we chose 10 exercises that collectively work every part of your body, and then placed each at a 60-second station, in order to challenge your heart and lungs as well as your muscles. The final product: A high-intensity circuit that’s designed to burn away fat, define your chest, abs, and arms, and send your fitness levels soaring. So you’ll sculpt a lean, athletic-looking body—while getting in the best shape of your life.
Do The Spartacus Workout 3 days a week. You can either use the routine as your primary weight workout, or if you’re already in great shape, you can use it as a “cardio” workout on the days between your regular weight workouts.
Perform the Spartacus Workout as a circuit, doing one set of each exercise—or “station” in succession. Each station in the circuit lasts for 60 seconds. Do as many reps as you can in that duration (with perfect form), then move on to the next station in the circuit. Give yourself 15 seconds to transition between stations, and rest for 2 minutes after you’ve done one circuit of all 10 exercises. Then repeat 2 times. If you can’t go for the entire minute on an exercise, go as long as you can, rest for a few seconds, then go again until your time at that station is up. This will allow you to customize the workout to your current fitness level. Also, if using weights makes some exercises too difficult, simply perform the same movement without holding the dumbbells.
Station 1: Goblet Squat
Grab a dumbbell and hold it vertically in front of your chest, with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart [A]. Keeping your back naturally arched, push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body until the tops of your thighs are at least parallel to the floor. Pause, then push yourself back up to the start. If that’s too hard, do a bodyweight squat instead.

Tip: Lower your hips as deep as you can.
Station 2: Mountain Climber
Assume a pushup position with your arms completely straight. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your ankles [A]. Without allowing your lower-back posture to change, lift your foot off the floor and slowly raise your knee toward your chest [B]. Return to the starting position, and repeat with your left leg, alternating back and forth each repetition.
Tip: Lift your leg as if you’re climbing a mountain.
Station 3: Single-Arm Dumbbell Swing
Grab a dumbbell with an overhand grip and hold it in front of your waist at arm’s length. Keeping your lower back slightly arched, bend at your hips and knees and swing the dumbbell between your legs [A]. Keeping your arm straight, thrust your hips forward, straighten your knees, and swing the dumbbell up to shoulder level as you rise to standing position. Now swing the weight back and forth. At the 30-second mark, switch arms.
Tip: Use momentum to swing your arm up.
You'll be looking like these boys in no time...