Words cannot describe the way I felt yesterday when I arrived home to find my husband, Ryan with two cards, some flowers and a stuffed animal for the pet of my life, Princess. First things first, let me clarify my last statement. I sometimes call Ryan my husband, my partner, my love, my boyfriend, and my best friend. That is, because he is all of those things to me. We may never have walked down the aisle (which one day we will,) and received a document telling us we are husbands, but in my soul, and in my heart - where it matters most - HE is my husband. We have woken up at each other's sides for the past 6 years, bought a home together, bought cars together, and take care of each other as any husband and wife would. He is the love of my life, and I would have it no other way. He is my one and only best friend. Remember this, when you have a relationship, because if you can never consider your partner your most trusted companion, the relationship will never last. This I can promise you.
Now on to the reason I was writing this post...
When I arrived at home yesterday, I was confronted with a beautiful surprise from Ryan. It was two cards, a stuffed animal and some Lilies for my sweet Princess who passed away last July. I was confounded with emotion beyond belief, because not only did I miss my sweet puppy of 9 years, but how did I ever deserve such a caring, and loving person as Ryan. He has been there to comfort me through the good, the bad and the ugly, and he has loved me beyond the measure of a man. He is the trick of fate that people never believe in, he is the embodiment of love that people have trouble achieving. I love you, Ryan Lopez, Forever and Always.
To finish this post, I want to say one thing. If you have never had a pet, don't laugh at the people who have, don't tell them they're silly or crazy for loving one. My little Princess's birthday was yesterday, but during the 9 years she was with me, she was a significant part of my life. She was there to comfort me with unconditional love when I was sad, hurt, or happy. She was my one constant companion for the years I had her, she made me laugh, made me smile, and most of all, cuddled with me in bed every night. When I lost her I was stricken with grief and guilt, and it was devastatingly hard to get over. If it wasn't for Ryan, or my other chihuahua Duchess it would have taken me a lot longer to heal. Love, don't hate. Don't judge people who grieve over their pet - it's heartbreaking.