What has been known for over a year, or ever since Oprah announced she was leaving her show, is finally coming true this fall. Anderson Cooper's new daytime talk show will premiere on September 12, a day after the 10 year anniversary of 9/11.
The show will simply be titled, "ANDERSON." You can click on the picture to check out his new official website. I'm actually hoping his show does really well, and he's able to capture as many hearts in America as he can.
Anderson has never married, and has been rumored to be gay. In fact, he's been spotted several times over the past several years with a guy pal, but he's never publicly disclosed his sexuality. I respect that, he doesn't have to share it if he doesn't want to. I mean, don't get me wrong, If he were to garner the amount of popularity Oprah did during the 25 years on her show, and came out during one of his tapings. This would be like the breaking news of the decade! All the gays would be jumping for joy. LOL But honestly, we need people like the "Silver Fox" to stand behind us, and fight the fight.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Filed Under:
Advocates for Gays,
Anderson Cooper,
Daytime Talk Shows,
New TV Series,
Oprah Winfrey,
Talk Shows
Your Thirties Kind of Stink
For those of you about to reach your thirties, you may find this chart not so humorous, yet quite so accurate.
Filed Under:
Hair Loss,
I Love Charts
It's Purely Animal - Issue No. 17 - Baby Mudplay
It's Elephant play time again! Earlier this year, you may remember it was playtime in the kiddie pool at the Houston Zoo. This time around a baby elephant is having too much fun playing in the mud. Too cute!
Filed Under:
Animal Kingdom,
It's Purely Animal,
Documentaries To Watch: Sons of Perdition
"You have the prophet and he controls everybody" says one of the men who reside at Warren Jeff's polygamist compound in Colorado City, Arizona. One of the boys even goes so far as to say, "Tell you the truth, I would have taken a bullet for Warren Jeffs, so I can go up to heaven and live for an eternity." Another boy states that he has "2 moms, and 21 siblings," the unimaginable is heard from them in this short trailer.
For a review of the film by Hank Stuever of the Washington Post you can go here. You can catch the trailer below.
"three young men run away from the strict and abusive lifestyle in “the Crick” (the communal nickname for the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints compound) and quickly discover how ill-equipped they are to survive."
OMG Hilarious! - Tall Justin 2
Filed Under:
comic strip,
Cyanide and Happiness,
OMG Hilarious
Office Warfare
Last week, in my "Keeping It Old Skool" series, I introduced you to an awesome Nerf battle between a few kids. This time around an office war commences when an employee picks up a co-worker's Nerf gun from his prized collection. It was really fun to watch, check it out.
Warning: Gay Days at Disney!

You've seen them everywhere. Hell, I've had brushes with death trying to read the damn things while driving home from work sometimes. I'm talking about advertisement banners pulled by airplanes in order to promote a company's product, or in this weekend's case, warning signs announcing there are huge orgies of hot gay men taking place at Disney.
Florida Family Association hired planes to fly two separate banners, and reportedly paid $7,000 to do it. The banners read "Warning Gay day at Disney 6/4" and "Warning Gay Pride Day at Disney 2 Day."

Disney and event organizers disagreed with them.
Filed Under:
Florida Family Association,
Gay Days,
Religious Nuts
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- Blade 7184 aka Peter