Yes, supposedly the most-nervous moment in all of President George W. Bush's life was throwing the first pitch during the 2001 World Series. I know, you think I'm making it up, because you Republicans believe Georgie was God, correction, is God. In either case, here the former President stating his case on the documentary, Beyond 9/11: Portraits of Resilience. which aired last weekend on HBO and CNN."The adrenaline was coursing through my veins, and the ball felt like a shotput. And Todd Greene, the catcher, looked really small. Sixty feet and six inches seemed like a half-mile. And anyway, I took a deep breath and threw it, and thankfully it went over the plate. The response was overwhelming. It was the most nervous I had ever been. It was the most nervous moment of my entire presidency, it turns out."
And you thought the following issues would have been George Bush's Most Nerve-wracking moment...
- Challenged his father—at the time the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations—to a fight, mano a mano.
- Was arrested for drunk driving.
- Quit drinking.
- Achieved narrowest presidential victory in history after a month-long recount battle.
- Nearly choked to death on a pretzel.
- Received warning in August 2001 that Osama bin Laden was "determined to strike" in the United States.
- Flew around the nation in Air Force One on September 11, 2001, looking for a safe place to land as nation beneath him shuddered under worst attack in modern memory.
- Ordered the invasion of Afghanistan.
- Ordered the invasion of Iraq.
- Survived grenade attack in Tblisi, Georgia.
- Presided over federal response to the destruction of the nation's 31st largest city by a storm.
- Initiated and authorized most wide-ranging extrajudicial surveillance of American citizens in a generation.
- Authorized the torture of detainees in U.S. custody.
1 comment:
And to think, come 2012 we could have this all over again with our wonderful governor Rick Perry. May God have mercy on us all.
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