Javier Moreno over at Buzzfeed listed 28 things people who were raised by a Mexican mom know to be true, And I'd have to say he's on point with some of these.
We were not catholic so the candles didn't exist, and the quinceañera? Not so much. Lol. But trust me, I have family who represent this entire list and you know who you are! LMAO.
Thank you sharing Michele!
1. She believed VapoRub (or Vick's) was a cure for everything.
2. Along with Sprite.
3. If you scraped your knee, you could always expect the “Sana, sana” rhyme.
You would feel the wrath of the dreaded chancla.
There was no way you were leaving the house without finishing your chores.
Whenever she watched novelas you were given a play by play.
Check out the entire list here. And if you haven't seen "The Secret of the Chancla" you can't catch that here. Hilarious!