Okay... if this is the only way I can enjoy a Britney Spears track, then by all means continue to make them this way. Oh stop, I'm just kidding. I love Britney, just not as much as you die-hard fans.

Michael Chase Martino seems to think that deaf people need to enjoy the song just as anyone else. So he took the liberty of making a video, even taking his shirt off in the process (not sure why). Actually he doesn't look bad, he's quite hot. He kinda reminds me of hot nerd, like in a Clark Kent / Peter Parker kinda way.
For all intent and purposes, I thought Michael did a great job, and if the reason behind it was to really help deaf people, then Kudos to you Mr. Martino. Even if the shirt removal was quite random. :-)
Check out the video below.
Once again a Britney gay lost as his video got pulled for copyright infringement. Sorry my love. Perhaps I'll get to see it next time. I shouldn't say Britney gay either because Gaga lost today too, as your video of the day was also pulled....again. Don't these people have anything else better to do then go around poaching YouTube videos.
Now after finally seeing the video, I have to say, the Britney gay is kinda hot. Cute video my love. Love you bunches. Thank you for re posting it.
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