Yes, you heard me. Well... you read it; There may be no football until the 2012 season. And its not because of the economy or the league going bankrupt; quite the opposite. While people are barely making ends meet, the owners of each team want to get richer, and the players want to join them. I was reading an article in the Huffington Post about a collective bargaining agreement that expires on March 3, and if there isn't a new one drawn up before then, the owners are considering locking out the players. Which means... no games this fall season. This hasn't happened since 1987. Read more about it
Quite honestly, these people should be ashamed of themselves; owners and players both. The players already make millions and the owners are already gazillionaires. It's unfortunate that neither one can come up with a solution. Make it to where there's a permanent salary cap, and re-evaluate after 50 years, LOL. At least I'll be gone by then.
1 comment:
America without football. Who knows, maybe we'll finally get on the soccer bandwagon after all.
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