She was hated and despised by the Republican party, which goes to show the kind of people they really are. Why would someone choose to hate a teacher and a lawyer who was once the head of the Special Victims Bureau that dealt with sex crimes, child abuse and domestic violence? On the contrary, she was more liked, than hated. She was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame and received countless of awards.
My sister, Ryan and I were having lunch at a Chinese restaurant on Saturday, when we saw the headlines on television. Ferarro had Blood Cancer Multiple Myeloma, which she survived for 12 years, an amazing feat in itself as treatment options are limited, and many Myeloma patients succumb to the disease within a few years. Working at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, I certainly understand the need for clinical trials in cancer and Ms. Ferarro did her fair share of becoming a part of them.
Rest in Peace and Live on in Heaven Geraldine Ferarro. I may not have known her well but it sounds like I would have loved her as a candidate and as a person. Thank you for paving the way for women in politics like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, and Annise Parker, but don't worry, God forgives you for Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Christine O'Donnell (witch), Sharon Angle and all the rest of the crazies.
Love your comment, my angel. You're so damn sweet. I love you so much!
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