Once again, it was a very difficult decision to make, so I went with only the guys for this battle. The girls were fantastic, but I can only do so much. Maybe I will feature them at a later time, but for now, the war is on...
These are the top 6 guys I felt did an awesome job of covering Adele's, "Someone Like You." Sean Rumsey, Abraham Lim, Eli Lieb, Benjamin, Chris Kennedy from The Shures, and Nick Gardner
The contest ends next Thursday, August 11, and the winner will receive a Cover Wars Gold Record that I will personally email them. It's not an actual vinyl record, but a recognition award just for being on my blog, so your vote is really important.
Abraham! He's the best!
omg chris sure is fucking sexy! I want to lick him alive! He's got my vote!
sean ramsey. he sounds great.
If you want true vocal ability, I would have to go with Abraham Lim, he is amazing!
Benjamin, Sean Rumsey and Eli have good vocal ability too Arlandbeaee. My vote's for Benji.
abraham lim hands down.
I'm so in love with that boy Chris, but I'm going with Abraham, I think he sounds fantastic.
I like the sound to Nick Gardner's version. and he added a little One Republic towards the end. loved it.
Okay, when I first heard my love playing the recording of Nick Gardner, I just knew that he would win, until I heard his rendition of the song. I didn't like it which really made me sad. It was then between Abraham, Eli and Chris. Chris was so freak'n hot but this ain't a beauty contest, or a barbershop quartet for that matter. Abraham was great and he hit those powerful high notes out of the park, but for some reason it just reminded me just a little too much of Adele. His video was even somewhat similar. Eli's voice is very beautiful. Might not be the most powerful over all of the guys here, but he is my pick for this cover wars win.
Go Eli!
After reading Ryan's comment, I've changed my mind. I'm voting for Eli instead. Sorry Abraham.
Eli for me. all of me :-)
Chris Kennedy, he's so sexy. And I liked the sound of his voice
Nick Gardner is hot and can belt it out.
I was torn between him and the first guy, can't remember the name. They were all awesome.
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