Thank you, James St. James over at WOW for sharing this amazing piece. I couldn't have said it better myself.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Is Megan from Mad Men Doomed? [spoiler alert]
If you're a fan of Mad Men, you'll definitely want to read the following conspiracy theories on Megan Draper's outfit last Sunday night. And they're just that - theories. Of course, the coincidences are right here, and there's no denying this could mean something big, especially since the series ends next year. Also, don't forget Stonewall happened in 1969... definitely something to make you go "hmmm... "
Thank you, James St. James over at WOW for sharing this amazing piece. I couldn't have said it better myself.
On Sunday night’s episode of Mad Men, Megan Draper wore what seemed like a weirdly anachronistic T-shirt with
a red star on it. Not her usual style, and more ’80s than ’60s. But
apparently the red star T-shirt was identical to one that Sharon Tate
wore in an infamous 1967 Esquire photograph taken by William Helburn (pictured left). Helburn’s daughter tweeted Mad Men’s
head costume designer, Janie Bryant, asking, “Dying to know if this pic
of Sharon Tate inspired Megan’s look? My dad shot it for @esquiremag in
‘67. ” Bryant confirmed: “No coincidence! So nice to tweet meet you.” Since the exchange, an entire Reddit thread
has formed, speculating about the symbolism of the shirt and any
foreshadowing it could have for Jessica Paré’s character. According to Vanity Fair:
“Like fictional Megan, Sharon Tate was an up-and-coming television
actress in the 1960s. While married to Roman Polanski and
eight-and-a-half-months pregnant with his child, Tate was murdered in
her home by Charles Manson followers. Earlier this season, Megan
admitted that she had suffered a miscarriage. While wearing the T-shirt
in last Sunday’s episode, Megan is standing on the balcony outside her
and Don’s Manhattan apartment while ambulance sirens ring out below — a
nod to the city’s increased crime rates, which are acknowledged many
times throughout the episode.” All of which could spell DOOM for poor
Megan. Jezebel‘s Tracy Egan Morrissey has another theory, though: “While costume design on Mad Men
has been as deliberate and layered as the writing on the show, the red
star could also be a red herring. After all, Tate wasn’t murdered until
1969, but something else happened to her 1968 — she got pregnant just as
her acting career was taking off.”
Thank you, James St. James over at WOW for sharing this amazing piece. I couldn't have said it better myself.
Filed Under:
James St. James,
Mad Men,
Megan Draper,
Sharon Tate,
Television Characters,
television series,
World of Wonder
Man of Steel: Create Your Own Kryptonian Name and Glyph
This is pretty cool - I'm a member of the House of Van.
While all of us are anxiously waiting for the return of Superman in a couple weeks, Warner Brothers has given us the ability to create a Superman-style glyph along with our Kryptonian name.Once you've created your glyph, you can download it, share it or upload one of your photos to the site and have the glyph superimposed on your chest.
To get started click here and create yours now!
Filed Under:
Man of Steel,
Warner Brothers
Post Secret Fridays - Issue 117
PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard.
See More Secrets. Follow PostSecret on Twitter.
Want to see older Post Secret Friday issues?
Click my Post Secret Logo Below.
Click my Post Secret Logo Below.
Iron Man 3 - How It Should Have Ended
So by now everyone should have seen Iron Man 3. If you haven't, don't watch the video - you won't get it.
Check out HISHEdotcom's hilarious take on how Iron Man 3 should have ended; From the same folks who brought you:
Jurassic park: How It Should Have Ended,
Return Of The Jedi: How It Should Have Ended,
Super Cafe - The Super Social Network,
Super Cafe - Bat Phone,
The Dark Knight Rises: How It Should Have Ended, and
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - How It Should Have Ended.
Don't miss the special cameos by Superman, Batman and The Avengers. LOL.
Check out HISHEdotcom's hilarious take on how Iron Man 3 should have ended; From the same folks who brought you:
Jurassic park: How It Should Have Ended,
Return Of The Jedi: How It Should Have Ended,
Super Cafe - The Super Social Network,
Super Cafe - Bat Phone,
The Dark Knight Rises: How It Should Have Ended, and
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - How It Should Have Ended.
Don't miss the special cameos by Superman, Batman and The Avengers. LOL.
Filed Under:
Iron Man,
Movie Parodies,
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Sesame Street Characters Reimagined as Horror Film Icons
New York artist Isaac Bidwell created a series of illustrations titled, Puppet Massacre, where he re-imagined several Sesame Street characters as horror film icons. Check them out, they're pretty cool. I especially love Elmo as Freddy Krueger from the Nightmare on Elm Street series and Big Bird as Pinhead from Hellraiser. LOL.
Source: Isaac Bidwell
Source: Isaac Bidwell
Isn't This The Truth? A Facebook Update in Real Life
I'm posting this because we all hate those Facebook updates that seem to happen every month. First, it was like once a year, then it turned into every so often, now it's heading towards MySpace ridiculousness!
So this is a Facebook Update in Real Life. LOL. From the same guy who brought you "The First Honest Cable Company".
So this is a Facebook Update in Real Life. LOL. From the same guy who brought you "The First Honest Cable Company".
Filed Under:
Isn't This The Truth?,
Status Updates,
Kiss of the Week - Issue No. 026 - Anonymous
Filed Under:
Gay Couples,
Gay Kissing,
Gay Quotes,
Kiss of the Week,
Texting Your Ex: Expectations vs. Reality.
It's time for another post of Expectations vs. Reality. This time it involves texting your ex; Which I'm sure all of you have done. LOL.
Filed Under:
Get Lucky by George Barnett
I don't know about you, but I'm liking George Barnett's cover of "Get Lucky" by Daft Punk much more than the original. What do you guys think?
Filed Under:
Daft Punk,
George Barnett,
music videos,
You Tube Singers
Cyanide and Happiness: True Love
Filed Under:
Cyanide and Happiness,
What Your Style of Eggs Say About You
So you like your eggs a certain way, or maybe you don't like eggs, who knows? In either case, if you don't like eggs you're either a Vegan or a Ghost. Remember that kid who picked his nose and ate it? Well, if you like your eggs Sunny-Side Up, that's you! LOL.
Source: Bite
Source: Bite
Filed Under:
I Love Charts,
Personality Test,
Laugh of the Day: Game of Desks
This is for Game of Thrones fans only. Well, I suppose anyone can watch it, but I doubt you'll get any of the quirky references.
Last week, Jimmy Fallon teased his followers with sneak peeks of his parody to Game of Thrones, "Game of Desks" before releasing it on Friday. It was quite humorous - you will not be disappointed.
Plus... don't miss the cameos by Seth Meyers and Jay Leno.
Last week, Jimmy Fallon teased his followers with sneak peeks of his parody to Game of Thrones, "Game of Desks" before releasing it on Friday. It was quite humorous - you will not be disappointed.
Plus... don't miss the cameos by Seth Meyers and Jay Leno.
Filed Under:
Game of Thrones,
Jay Leno,
Jimmy Fallon,
Late Night,
Late Night Talk Shows,
Laugh of the Day,
Seth Meyers,
TV Show Parody,
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Just Sayn'
Filed Under:
Baseball Players,
Just Sayn',
New York Yankees,
The Human Test - Volumes 2 & 3
Ever since I posted the first volume to The Human Test, two more have been released. The first two videos, produced by vlogger, ZeFrank, are quite hilarious and true, but the third is a little somber.
The second volume is titled "Volume 2, Difficulty: Easy", while the third is titled, "Volume 3: Love & Loss, Difficulty: Medium".
I answered yes to most questions so I suppose this makes me human... Check them out, they're pretty cool. Are you human?
The second volume is titled "Volume 2, Difficulty: Easy", while the third is titled, "Volume 3: Love & Loss, Difficulty: Medium".
I answered yes to most questions so I suppose this makes me human... Check them out, they're pretty cool. Are you human?
Filed Under:
Being Human,
Life's Lessons,
The Ultimate Spaceship Face-off
If you're a Star Trek, Star Wars, Dr. Who, or science fiction aficionado, you may like this interactive chart.
Author, Chris Kirk over at Slate has created a "highly speculative search for the fastest ship in science fiction" by comparing the speeds of the Star Trek Enterprise NCC-1701, Star Wars' Millennium Falcon, the TARDIS from Doctor Who, the Heart of Gold from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the Jupiter 2 from Lost in Space, and even our very own Voyager 1 from NASA.
Kirk gives a very detailed account of his research in reference to each ship; You will find this by clicking on the image to the right, where you can set a course for the Alpha Centauri, Galactic Center, or Andromeda Galaxy.
Surprisingly, what may take the Enterprise decades to reach, the Millennium Falcon can reach in hours, the TARDIS in just seconds.
Author, Chris Kirk over at Slate has created a "highly speculative search for the fastest ship in science fiction" by comparing the speeds of the Star Trek Enterprise NCC-1701, Star Wars' Millennium Falcon, the TARDIS from Doctor Who, the Heart of Gold from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the Jupiter 2 from Lost in Space, and even our very own Voyager 1 from NASA.

Surprisingly, what may take the Enterprise decades to reach, the Millennium Falcon can reach in hours, the TARDIS in just seconds.
Filed Under:
Chris Kirk,
Doctor Who,
I Love Charts,
Millennium Falcon,
Science Fiction,
Star Trek,
Star Wars,
Return From Blog Break
Two weeks ago I thought I was about to die, because Ryan and I came down with Strep Throat the day before our vacation; It was not pretty, but we managed to pull through. Luckily, we were still able to make our trip to Corpus Christi to visit my parents. And what a breath of fresh air that was. We went to Port A, did a few shopping, and ate and ate, and ate. LOL. My mom's carne guisada and fresh tortillas were to die for.
When we got back to Houston, Ryan and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary by having dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant in The Woodlands, Pallottas Italian Grill, watching a movie, and shopping.
Of course, as with any break, world events continue and trying not to write about them, or share my opinions was difficult, but I managed to stay off my blog during this time off.
To close, I'd like to pray for those in Oklahoma who endured those awful tornadoes. I cannot begin to imagine what this is like and I pray they will find solace in knowing many people love them.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Loving One Another - Issue No. 027 - Ryan Joseph Lopez
And this is what Loving One Another is all about... My beautiful, handsome husband, Ryan knows how to really make my day.
You Are My Brick
We may fight, argue, disagree or discuss a subject kinda loudly; whatever you may call it, it doesn't make our love any less stronger than the moment before. More than likely the conversation probably helped solve a problem to make our bond even more powerful.
After nearly 8 years, no matter how much you may frustrate me at times, even though the instances are few, in the end I cannot hide the love I have for you.
I look into your eyes as you go to bed at night, and see them first thing in the morning as you kiss me goodbye. And I can never get enough of that.
Nothing could ever replace that feeling of compassion.
No one could ever make me feel that same way.
It's a constant reminder that after nearly 8 years together, there can always be too much of a good thing, except when it comes to you.
You are my better half that I do not wish to survive without. You are the brick which holds us together, the foundation that keeps us from sinking and the roof that always protects us from whatever comes our way. I'll be the tiny nails and screws in the wooden beams - though they may be small, they are mighty.
Together our loving relationship not only survives, it thrives and will continue to venture on for many more years to come.
I couldn't be prouder of the house we built together, and I couldn't be happier to live in it with you, my partner, husband and best friend forever.
Almost happy eight years together, my love.
We'll face all challenges together and conquer them, smiling, knowing nothing can ever stop us now.
Love you bunches, my one true love.
After nearly 8 years, no matter how much you may frustrate me at times, even though the instances are few, in the end I cannot hide the love I have for you.
I look into your eyes as you go to bed at night, and see them first thing in the morning as you kiss me goodbye. And I can never get enough of that.
Nothing could ever replace that feeling of compassion.
No one could ever make me feel that same way.
It's a constant reminder that after nearly 8 years together, there can always be too much of a good thing, except when it comes to you.
You are my better half that I do not wish to survive without. You are the brick which holds us together, the foundation that keeps us from sinking and the roof that always protects us from whatever comes our way. I'll be the tiny nails and screws in the wooden beams - though they may be small, they are mighty.
Together our loving relationship not only survives, it thrives and will continue to venture on for many more years to come.
I couldn't be prouder of the house we built together, and I couldn't be happier to live in it with you, my partner, husband and best friend forever.
Almost happy eight years together, my love.
We'll face all challenges together and conquer them, smiling, knowing nothing can ever stop us now.
Love you bunches, my one true love.
- Ryan Joseph Lopez
Filed Under:
Gay Couples,
Gay Quotes,
Loving One Another,
Peter and Ryan's Relationship,
Ryan's Most Memorable Quotes
Laugh of the Day: 1-800-Flowers Mother's Day Ad
Talk about hilarious! This will definitely make your day.
Over the weekend Saturday Night Live released an ad from 1-800-Flowers, but since Mother's Day is over and all, I'm sure her birthday would suffice. Lol.
Over the weekend Saturday Night Live released an ad from 1-800-Flowers, but since Mother's Day is over and all, I'm sure her birthday would suffice. Lol.
Filed Under:
800 Flowers,
Laugh of the Day,
OMG Hilarious,
Saturday Night Live,
Back In The Day - The 50 Greatest Discontinued '90s Foods and Beverages
Time for some nostalgia. Who remembers Vanilla coke? How 'bout Crystal Pepsi and Spice Girl Lollipops? Ahhh, the memories.
Check out the other 42 discontinued products from the 90's here.
Filed Under:
Back In The Day,
Discontinued Products,
Opening a Soda on the Ocean Floor
So before Chris Hadfield showed us what wringing a wet towel in space was like, he was at the bottom of the ocean showing others what happens when you shake a soda can under sub-sea pressure.
I'm assuming he didn't try this test on the International Space Station.
I'm assuming he didn't try this test on the International Space Station.
Filed Under:
Chris Hadfield,
Coca Cola,
The Evolution of "Star Trek" (Infogrpahic)
This is absolutely terrific. Especially if you're a Star Trek fan or just curious about the franchise in general. Thank you for sharing this amazing piece of work!
On Sept. 8, 1966, an American sciencefiction icon was born. The “Star Trek” television show lasted only three seasons, but spawned a lasting legacy that has stretched across decades and led to four spinoff live-action shows, a cartoon series and a dozen feature films.
Gene Roddenberry and his team set their show aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise, a sophisticatedstarship with a competent crew of professional astronauts.
A pilot episode starring Jeffrey Hunter was rejected by the NBC TVnetwork as “too cerebral” for a general audience. The show was retooled with William Shatner in the starring role of Captain James T. Kirk. Leonard Nimoy was featured as the alien officer Spock.
After its cancellation in 1969, the show grew even more popular, appearing several times per week (or even daily) in syndication.The Star Wars phenomenon of 1977 led Roddenberry to consider bringing the show back to television. Soon the plan changed, and “Star Trek the Motion Picture” appeared in 1979 to lukewarm reviews. Not wanting to waste their investment, the studio replaced Roddenberry at the helm and made several sequel films with much lower budgets.In 1987, Roddenberry created a new TV show from the ground up with an entirely new cast led by Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard. “Star Trek the Next Generation” debuted directly into syndication, not appearing on any of the major TV networks. Its popularity grew slowly but eventually it became successful enough to spawn its own set of feature films.Three more TV series would follow: “Deep Space Nine,” “Voyager” and “Enterprise.” When the latter went off the air in 2005, an unbroken run of 18 years of Star Trek on television was ended.By 2009 Star Trek had faded from pop culture prominence, but a reboot movie, called simply “Star Trek,” changed all that. Director J.J. Abrams reimagined the original TV series, casting Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto in the lead roles of Kirk and Spock. The film became the highest-grossing of the franchise.In 2013, Abrams’ sequel “Star Trek into Darkness” features Benedict Cumberbatch as a terrorist villain.
Filed Under:
I Love Charts,
Science Fiction,
Star Trek,
television series
Cyanide and Happiness: Some Math
Filed Under:
comic strip,
Cyanide and Happiness,
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Hope you enjoy my daily posts, and hope to hear from you soon.
- Blade 7184 aka Peter