The commenter actually wrote on one of my partner's editorials he posted back in April - "The Promotion of Hatred Exists".
Here's what the anonymous writer wrote:
I was none too pleased and decided to leave them a comment of my own, and this what I had to say...When gays use the "when did you know you were straight" argument, it's silly..straight is the de-facto normal..if people weren't straight...there would be no people...
Also the "Some People are Gay Get over it" , well Some people don't like gays get over it..people dont have to like a behavior they find repulsive..gays like to compare their "struggle" to race, but a person skin color is not a behavior or a sexual act.
You say that being straight is normal, because without you there would be no people is almost laughable, if not the most foolish thing to think. As you know, billions of people around the world "believe in a GOD," and these same people know that there was no one who had sex to make Adam and Eve, God made them separately, they were "Born that way." Furthermore, when God banished Cain to another land, there were already other people there, you think they procreated too? Being straight is "not normal" You were born that way.
I hate to inform you of this, but yes, one can choose to be "straight." It doesn't mean they will be, but they can surely try. Being Heterosexual or Homosexual is something you cannot choose to be. I didn't wake up one morning when I was 2 or 3, and say... "oh I think I'll be gay today."
"IF" I had a choice, do you really think I'd want to choose the one where it would condemn me the most? Do you think I'd want to choose the one where people would make fun of me, spit on me, and call me names? No, I wouldn't choose that for myself.
Gay is not a behavior, it is who we are. The act of having sex is a behavior, and we don't have to like your sexual acts, just as much as you don't have to like ours.
You can "choose" to hate or love. I chose to love everyone, because this is how God created us. I have known I was gay since a child - I had two parents who loved me unconditionally. My father taught me how to take an engine out of a car, farm thousands of acres of land, and took me fishing. And a mother who made sure that when I left their home, I knew how to take care of myself by teaching me how to cook, wash my clothes, and fix my bed. They were a good Christian couple who took us to church every Wednesday and Sunday, and I'm sure they wish I had turned out differently, But I didn't. They didn't do anything wrong, I've always known, they've always known. You think my parents would want their child to be made fun of? Hell no. If they or I could choose we would.
I am what God made me to be.
Very well written response.
Yeah my love! Thank you for the backup my angel. I would have responded but you took care of that for me. Love you bunches. Excellent response.
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