Seriously folks. Get it together. More often than not, us "Gay" boys are probably not interested in you or how you look anyway. LOL. Well...... unless you look like Zac Efron. haha.
by John Loos
you. Yeah, you. Elite athlete making millions of dollars playing
football for the NFL. I know you're concerned about the upcoming season
now that Michael Sam, the star defensive lineman from Mizzou who's a top
NFL prospect, just came out as gay.
this is the most terrifying thing a modern-day gladiator like yourself
faces at your job. Not a 300-pound mountain of muscle chasing you down,
not a cataclysmic spinal injury, not the constant threat of brain
The minute chance of a split-second side eye
glance from another man who may, in his private life, be naked with his
boyfriend, is clearly far more stressful.
But have no fear! I was a
closeted gay athlete in high school (a defensive lineman, like Michael
Sam!), so I know a thing or two about navigating a locker room. I know,
for instance, any fear you may have of being checked out by a gay
teammate is nothing compared to the constant fear a closeted athlete has
of being discovered/ridiculed/punched in the face by a bigoted
To help you through the next NFL season, here is a handy guide to how to behave in a locker room where a gay man may be present.
Step 1: Acknowledge your gay teammate
hello. Say "nice game." Perhaps give him a compliment on a tackle, or a
catch, or a great run. Maybe throw in a high-five or, if that is too
uncomfortable for you (it shouldn't be), give any another indication
that you're happy he's on your team, even if he plays for a different
team off the field.
Step 2: Acknowledge that he's human
a question about his life. How's his family? His partner? Talk about
shared interests (Yes! You likely have shared interests with this
homosexual human!) If you don't know what this person likes, ask. Or
talk about the weather! Or Beyoncé! Not because he's gay, but because
everyone, gay straight, male or female, Madagascan village elders or
Inuit whale hunters, has something to say about Beyoncé. She's the
universal conversation starter.
Step 3: Get undressed
you just spent two hours playing in the mud and dirt, and it's a locker
room and you're an adult -- and get over yourself and seriously -- you
have to change out of your uniform. You smell like shit.
Step 4: Realize at this point, you're looking at your gay teammate more than he's looking at you
is he not looking at you? You're attractive! You work out! Are you not
his type? Maybe he's only into punters. Oh my God, it's almost as if
your teammate is concentrating on getting cleaned up and getting home to
his life, just like you were supposed to be before you got preoccupied
with checking him out to see if he's checking you out.
Step 5: Do your usual stealth glances of other naked teammates
straight men size each other up all the time in locker rooms. But it's
from a place of competition, which is far more acceptable for some
reason. Bros bein' bros, etc.
Step 6: Realize at this
point, you're being paid millions of dollars to exist on this team with
this gay person, so you'll survive somehow
At the
absolute worst, this teammate finds you attractive and has a moment of
weakness and lets one little glance slip that you catch, and you notice
because you're (of course) already staring at him. Now you know how the
thousands upon thousands of breasts you've stared at slack-jawed in your
lifetime feel. Congratulations, Margaret, you've just become a woman!
Step 7: Count the number of half-naked teammates around you and divide by 10
how many actually are gay, whether they've stated it publicly or not.
And they've been there all along, since you started playing football in
high school, and somehow you're still alive and unscathed and making
millions of dollars.
Step 8: Shower
again, you smell. If your gay teammate is showering at the same time,
kudos to you for noticing he walked into the showers. Why are you
watching him so closely, anyway? Seriously, are you cruising him?
Step 9: Dress, go home
play with the piles of money you've earned from somehow being brave and
manly enough to put on skin-tight capri pants, a jock strap and give
other grown men really aggressive hugs and wrestle them to the ground.
This article originally appeared on The Second City Network and on Huffpost Gay Voices.