Ding Dong, The Witch is Not Dead!
If you're reading this, stop. Have you already caught up on all your True Blood episodes? If you haven't, leave now, because I'm going to write shit you probably don't want to know.
What I'm still trying to figure out is why the hell Marnie let Jesus and Lafayette into a room with a dead body? Did she do this on purpose? In either case, at the end of the latest episode, Jesus unbinded Antonia from Marnie and allowed Sookie to survive from the ring of fire.
All the while, the crazy vampires, Eric, Pam, Jessica, and Bill, who come to destroy the witches' cove are outside arguing if they should save Sookie or Not, big brother comes in her defense, the witches' vampire shield (much like a bug shield that will zap you into smithereens) comes down, the vampires rush in, Eric kills one of the witches, sucks on his heart like he's drinking a sangria out of a 7-Eleven Slurpee, and they shoot the crap out of the wicked witch of the west, Marnie.
But guess what???? The Witch is not actually dead! She jumps into Lafayette's body at the end of the episode as a cliffhanger.
In other True Blood news... Sam loses his brother Tommy to a pack of wolves who beat him to a pulp in the previous week's episode. Sam goes on a rampage and goes after the said wolves with the help of Alcide who btw, finds out his girlfriend Debbie was shagging/not shagging Sam's girlfriend's ex-husband, Marcus. After Sam throws a few punches, and a couple of "Fuck You's," he allows him to live, but Alcide kills him anyway.
Oh... and we find out the fairies' taste in men. They love having sex with fat, burly men like Andy. Geezus, couldn't they have chosen Jason Stackhouse? Andy, really? What the hell were the producers drinking. Yes, I meant to say drinking.
Stay tuned for the final episode on Sunday, September 12th!
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Hope you enjoy my daily posts, and hope to hear from you soon.
- Blade 7184 aka Peter
It will be awesome! Or at least it'd better be.
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