I cannot imagine ever losing the person I love. I'm sure you can't either. Some of you have lost wives, husbands, partners, parents, siblings, friends, and the emotional impact is unimaginable. While I have lost loved ones, I have never lost someone I was dating or considered my best friend and lover. It's like me losing Ryan today - I'd be devastated beyond belief. It's not something I can prepare myself for. Death comes at the most inconvenient time and there's no stopping that clock.
It's been a while since I've posted a "Saturday Morning Coffee Break", and now that I've come back it's as good as time as any to start. So grab your coffee, sit back, and watch this video, because if you're gay, and in a relationship it could happen to you. Oh and grab a tissue too, it's a tear-jerker.
If you wish to look back at some previous issues, click my logo below and enjoy. And make sure to check out Saturday Morning Coffee Break every Saturday for another classic or current gay short film.