I'm going to pretend I'm not asking that question.
Whatever, I'll ask it anyway...
Are people really this stupid? Seriously Lady, If it isn't doing damage to your internal organs as you sit in that truck, it has to definitely got to be doing something to your ear drums and your small brain. Okay, am I being too cruel? I mean, it's only 40,000 watts of bass running through her body, and her ears.
I love what a YouTube commenter said:
"Women if you need a cold air blower dryer, here you go! Side effects include massive headache, deafness, blindness, explosive diarrhea, and one hell of a bass experience!" - sxcsKiTzYkitty
You may remember honking for Grandma when passing this SUV on your way to work, but have you seen this fabulous sale?
I'm sorry, but this is just wrong! Okay, it's a little funny too! But still...
What if the world were a village of 100 people? Using statistics based on the spread of the population in the world, Toby Ng Design created this poster as another way of looking at how our world is today.
There are 18 more posters I will share with you in the coming weeks; This is the second of 20.
If you missed the first issue, click here.
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Hope you enjoy my daily posts, and hope to hear from you soon.
- Blade 7184 aka Peter