In the nearly six years Ryan and I have been together, not one day has gone by where I've never said, "I Love You." And if we had a disagreement or a difference of a opinion, we got over it rather quickly. Arguments and/or fights are too far in between that we simply forget about them. We have better things to do with our lives than to sit around bickering all day.
Quite honestly, we became "Best Friends," because that's how every relationship should be. I believe wholeheartedly that if you cannot become best friends with your partner, your relationship will never work. Friends you've made over the years through childhood, high school and/or college that you consider best friends, are there for you, love you and will support you as much as humanly possible; But in the end, the one you gave your heart to, should be your truest friend.
When you fall in love, and your partner becomes your "Best Friend," he or she should mean more to you than all your other friends combined. If you truly love this person, no one, and I mean no one, can tear that apart. He or she, in essence has become the most important person in your life; Your confidant, your soul mate and your partner.
Simply put, when you get into an argument or a disagreement about something, don't go running to your friends about it. Take a moment to cool down, run to the bathroom, beat the walls, wish him/her dead, but do not run and tell your "other friends." You need to talk to the man or woman you love, they are your Best Friend. If you cannot do this without telling other people the problems you have with your partner, then you don't belong with him or her, and quite frankly, were never their Best Friend to begin with. You shouldn't be.
Today around 2:00 in the afternoon, Ryan received some flowers in a basket, a cute monkey holding a candy bar, and a balloon that said, "I Love You." And on the card I wrote,
"It's not Valentine's Day, but I don't need a holiday to let you know how much I love you. You're not only everything I dreamed you would be, you're the blessing God told me I would receive when I got older."
I meant every word I wrote, and to this day I love him more than I ever could. Life would be incomplete without him. Ryan is my Best Friend and he means more to me than you will ever know.