Britney Spears' new song,
"till the world ends" was released this morning and considering that the song was co-written by
Ke$ha (a sorry excuse for a musician), I'd have to give her an 8 for effort and a 10 for making it a sure club-hit. While the song does remind me a little of Ke$ha's style, it is by far a million times better than
"Hold It Against Me."
Can I say that again? It's a MILLION TIMES BETTER!
The new song only has two verses and the rest is chorus, chorus, chorus.
Okay, this is off subject but what I just wrote reminded me of a part in the movie, "Trick" where Perry gives Gabriel advice on removing a verse from a song Gabriel had written...
Perry - Honey, get it out of there. Just go to the chorus. That's the fun part
Gabriel - But what about all the setup?
Perry - Gabriel! Songwriters have been doing the verse-chorus thing forever. It's tired. Be a maverick. What's the function of a verse? To kill time till we get to the chorus. During the verse, we wait. We are waiting for the chorus. Just give us what we want. Chorus, chorus, chorus!
And it's true, Britney has given you what you've wanted. The question is... can Britney bring on the style and energy this song delivers and make it into an amazing live performance and awesome music video?