So, what are the odds of you dying from Salmonella, or better yet, a new identity under the witness protection program? You'd be surprised - this chart lays it out on the "line" for you.
Hmmm, not too sure I like the odds of me dying of a Stroke, Cancer, and Heart Disease though.
click to enlarge |
The title to the video below was the perfect title for this post. This video is laden with profanity beyond anything I've ever heard. Well...... nevermind that, mine and Ryan's friend, Renee can give her a run for some money.
I swear, every sentence has a curse word in it. If you're at work, I highly recommend you turn the volume down, or wear some headphones, because this crazy bitch goes off on the bus driver like there's no tomorrow. "You need to shut the f*ck up and drive your bus, you miserable old f*cking man!...You f*cking honky!"
Do people really still use that word? Honky? Really? What a Hot Mess!
Geez, if this video doesn't bring you to tears, I don't know what will. Two little kids are taken by surprise when they find a huge box with their names on it. Unbeknownst to them, their Dad has returned from deployment to surprise them. When they see who pops out, they become so overwhelmed with joy, they begin to cry, more-so the little girl. I have no earthly idea what it feels like for a child to see their Dad off to war, much less knowing if, and when he'll return. This surely is about The Joys of Being a Parent. God Bless Our Troops!
LMAO. How many times have you gone out with your friends to have one beer? LOL. For me, going out for a drink is like Lay's used to call it, "You Can't Eat Just One." In this case, it's the other way around, "You Can't Drink Just one." :-)
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Hope you enjoy my daily posts, and hope to hear from you soon.
- Blade 7184 aka Peter