Mind-Boggling News: Dog Has A Midnight Snack
Imagine waking up in the morning as you normally do, and notice you are missing three toes. That is exactly what happened to a 61 year old man in Oregon.
OMG, I would totally freak out if my little Chihuahuas (all 4 of them) were having a feast on my feet while I slept. And when I'm tired, I'm tired, just ask Ryan (my partner), I'm literally in a state of cryostasis.
According to the Associated Press, the dog, which was a Shinu Ibu, ate the dogs toes "most likely out of instinct to help remove diseased flesh." I'm sorry, but having diabetes is not diseased flesh, he just had numbness of the feet possibly. In either case, the dog has been given up for adoption and "appears to be anxious." Yeah, I would be too.
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- Blade 7184 aka Peter
I love my babies but we can't forget that even baby chihuahuas are carnivores too. Duchy is even eating her feet right now as I type this. Lets just make sure that we feed them all the time and our lives will be spared. Beware deadly chihuahuas. Beware their thirst for human toes.
Omg, I can't stop laughing, that was hilarious my love. "Beware deadly chihuahuas. Beware their thirst for human toes"
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