Prologue by Blade 7184...I wasn't able to blog about the whole Ellen/JC Penny/100 Million Mom Fiasco, but I can quote her in my "Quoted" series.,
“I was raised very, very strictly with Christianity. I didn't have a shot or an aspirin or anything until I was 13 years old. We had to go to church, do testimonies every Wednesday night. I think all religion is based on what happens after this life. You live a certain way so that when you die, things can be good. But why can't things be good now? Why can't you understand that you're in heaven now? That's how I live. I believe in God. I think that God is everywhere. Every morning I look outside, and I say, "Hi, God." Because I think that the trees are God. I think that our whole experience is God.” - Ellen DeGeneres
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