I've mentioned it in the past and I'll mention it again; I was a serial text driver. And not only texting - this included reading email, checking online posts, etc. etc.
Why do it? What's so important that it can't wait? Perhaps your dog is at the vet and you're waiting for that very important call that he's made out of surgery okay. Perhaps your employer is calling or texting you with a very important errand to run. Or perhaps you didn't have a phone to begin with?
It can wait.. No matter how serious the information is on the other end of that message.
I've had Facebook friends that have passed on, and while they're not people I would consider "personal" friends, they were friends in my Facebook world. We're human - so when I read about someone on Facebook who has died because they were texting and driving - it kicks me in the gut.
AT&T has released a video I encourage everyone to watch. They have released this in conjunction with their 5th Anniversary of the "it can wait" campaign.
No Post Is Worth A Life!
I promise to not text and drive or even look at the phone while I'm driving. I almost didn't commit to that last part, but I need to. I don't text, but I do answer the phone while on the road. And though it only takes a quick second to pick it up, I have to look down, slide it to answer, and then pick it up to my ear while not watching the road. You're right, my love.....again. It only takes a second to change someone's life forever, whether it be changing a family's because I just hit their kid, or changing yours because I got myself killed while answering a call. I promise to not look at my phone unless I'm stopped from here on out. It's so easy to do, but it's just not worth it. Love you bunches and thank you so much for posting that. Also, welcome back blog!
Very well.
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