To Tattoo or Not To Tattoo, That is The Question...
This is actually an old pic that's been circulating for quite some time. I thought I should post it, because it never hurts to share stupidity and hypocrisy where it exists. Ah the Christian heart, you gotta love'm.
This gentleman thought he would quote scripture by printing a tattoo on his arm from Leviticus 18:22 where the Lord says, 'you shall not lie with a male as one does with a woman.' I guess the moron forgot to read the following chapter - in Leviticus 19:28, where the Lord forbids anyone from inking themselves with tattoos.
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- Blade 7184 aka Peter
So I'm guessing he's not FOR gay marriage, right? It's just a guess though. I could always be wrong.
Technically, The old testament is suppose to be followed to the letter today. Which is why the New Testament is there to re-state, re-shape, remove the old testament laws. In the new testaments book Romans chapter 1 verse 27 it clearly states that homosexuality is in someway wrong. New internation version Romans 1:27 "In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error."
Technically, The old testament is *NOT* suppose to be followed to the letter today. Which is why the New Testament is there to re-state, re-shape, remove the old testament laws. In the new testaments book Romans chapter 1 verse 27 it clearly states that homosexuality is in someway wrong. New internation version Romans 1:27 "In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error."
And your comment just goes to show what is wrong with Christianity and the hypocrisy today. Christians pick and choose what rules and laws they wish to follow, as if they could just obey some, and not the other. Just because Christ came down to save our lives, doesn't mean that we were to ignore what the Old Testament was trying to teach us, He wanted us to used it as a "tool," "a guide," to help lead our daily lives. Out of the ten commandments that God mentioned in the Old Testament, all, but 9 are mentioned in the New. Sure, the stories, and drama that went on in the Old has nothing to do with the new, but it teaches us lessons that help shape who we are.
God didn't approve of a lot of things when the Bible was written, Old or New. There are laws, and rules not being followed today by heterosexuals that are being broken every day, or "the chosen" few they wish not to follow. God loves all his children, sure he may have condemned things he didn't like back then, and had the apostles transfer it to paper, but you have to remember, they were human just as we were, they had their own lives to lead, and made countless mistakes as well. Furthermore, these scriptures were written and translated by men who didn't have any relation to the apostles, who also had their own "opinions," and the fact of the matter is, they could have translated things the way they wanted. That's why many times you find scholars going to the old "Hebrew" scrolls (the oldest known to man) to find the true meaning to some of the scriptures, and even then, they're not old enough. For the longest time, men have "picked and chosen" what they wanted to follow, or not. There's books that were found, that were "chosen" not to be included in the Bible.
If God didn't want me this way, why did he bring countless of homosexuals into this world - to play with heterosexuals? Really? I didn't choose to live a life where I would be condemned to hell. I didn't say at 3 years old, "Mommy and Daddy, I think I want to be gay." I was born a loving child, devoted to their parents, and to their Christian God, just as you were.
And finally, regardless of your reasons, they are unfounded, and hold no real measure to what you're trying to convey. I wanted to be a preacher growing up, so I know my scripture pretty well, enough to find verses just as easily as you, that will condemn you to hell quicker than me loving my partner ever will.
I was brought into this world, just as you. I love God, just as you. I became a Christian, just as you. But maybe, just maybe, you should learn to love, just as He.
BLADE aka Peter
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