2011 in Gaming: The Year in Under 2 Minutes
You know I couldn't leave the year without saying a little something about the gaming community. I don't understand much of it, but one thing I do know, my partner, Ryan loves it.
Ryan doesn't know this, but when he gets around to reading this he will be surprised. My intention was to get him a Playstation 3 for his birthday and it didn't happen, not because I didn't want to get it for him, but because - I don't know, call it a sign from God or whatever. But there was only one in the store when I went to purchase it, and and it was an "open box". Meaning, someone had returned it at one point.
I told the clerk I would go ahead and take it if everything was in there, and he assured me it did. So when I went to pay for it up at the front desk I told them I wanted to take a look inside, and sure enough there was a game missing. There was supposed to have been two games with the bundle.
So I was stuck with the decision of either purchasing it as it was, going to another store and buying it, or simply forgetting about it. I chose the latter, and simply never bought it.
The reason I never did, was because Ryan and I will be reaching a milestone in the new year and it's something I will share with you in a later post, but suffice it to say - it is definitely for the best.
As I mentioned earlier, I don't get the gaming community much, but my partner Ryan loves it, and if he loves it, then I support him. I grew up in a world of Atari and the original Nintendo, whereas he grew up in the world of Xbox and Playstations 1, 2 and 3. I was used to games like Centipede, Donkey Kong, and Pac-man. When I played the original Resident Evil on Playstation One, it terrified me. LOL.
In either case, here's an amazing tribute to the 2011 gaming world, in under 2 minutes.
From YouTube description:
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Hope you enjoy my daily posts, and hope to hear from you soon.
- Blade 7184 aka Peter
I can't even comprehend how good/addicting your blog is.
I literally follow NO OTHER blog, but stumbled upon yours a longggg time ago through facebook.
I'm definitely very glad I did!
awwww, that was so fucking sweet of you to say Lundin. Thank you, thank you!
Awww, my love. Thank you so much for the nice thought and attempt, but in the end you did make the right choice. I'm glad that you decided to wait. One day I will catch up on all of these games in our entertainment room in our brand new home. It will have a 1080 flat screen with the latest version of the Playstation (if there's a 4th one by then which better damn well be backwards compatible) with the walls covered in game, music and movie memorabilia. I can't wait to decorate it and design it too. It's worth waiting to play these awesome games but don't worry, I have them all in the back of my head and I will play them all one day. By then they'll be so frick'n cheap anyway so it just makes it even better. Words can't describe my love for you baby. Just the thought means so much to me, and I want to cry because you always make me feel so special and loved. Thank you for everything. Next year will be so exciting and amazing. I'm so blessed to be on this journey, creating an extravagant future with you, my perfect husband.
You're absolutely everything I ever wanted in my life! I love you Ryan!
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