“If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?” - RuPaul - - - - - - - - - - - “if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.” - John F. Kennedy - - - - - - - - - - - - “Imagine finding someone you love more than anything in the world, who you would risk your life for but couldn’t marry. And you couldn’t have that special day the way your friends do – you know, wear the ring on your finger and have it mean the same thing as everybody else. Just put yourself in that person’s shoes. It makes me feel sick to my stomach …. When I shared a picture of my tattoo on my Twitter page and said, ‘ALL LOVE is equal,’ a lot of people mocked me – they said, ‘What happened to you? You used to be a Christian girl!’ And I said, ‘Well, if you were a true Christian, you would have your facts straight. Christianity is about love.’ The debate resulted in a lot of threats and hate mail to people who agreed and disagreed with me. At one point I had to say, ‘Dude, everyone lay off.’ Can’t people have friendly debates about sensitive topics without it turning into unnecessary threats?” - Pop star Miley Cyrus on her marriage equality tattoo - - - - - - - - - - -

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The World's Most Dangerous Animals - The Mosquito

If you're thinking it's Panthers, Cheetahs, and Killer Whales, you're wrong.  Sure these beasts will tear human flesh straight off the bone, but an attack by one of these is highly unlikely.  Now, the mosquito on the other hand, is a different story.  Mosquitoes are currently considered the planet's most dangerous creature, because it has the ability to spread diseases like malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever and the West Nile virus.  And we all know how annoying they can be, they develop shortly after a rainstorm, and wherever standing water exists.  Even if it doesn't rain, if you have a bucket of water laying around the backyard, they will appear.  Adults live 4-8 weeks!
Responsible for: An estimated 2-3 million fatalities a year.
Hangs out in: Worldwide; harmful in Africa, Asia and North America.
Method of dispatch: Using serrated mouth parts, female mosquitoes pierce the skin and inject saliva containing a thinning agent to liquidise the blood. Most people won’t know that they have been bitten until the immune system reacts, resulting in red, itchy bumps that continue to itch for days after the initial bite.
Useful avoidance techniques: Mosquito nets treated with DDT are the most effective way to keep them at bay, as well as combative sprays and treatments that can be applied directly to the skin. Wear light-coloured, long clothes in the evening. If travelling to malaria zones, ensure that you take your full course of tablets before, during and after your stay.
Read More About It Here

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I've always hated those little f*ckers. I know they help create the circle of life and what not, but do they really have to suck MY blood? Ugh. If the males just eat fruit then why can't the females? Somebody messed up there. I'm glad and all of us are very fortunate that they don't spread anything like HIV. That wouldn't be polite indeed.

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- Blade 7184 aka Peter